HTML Emails

An HTML email is an email that is formatted like a web page, using colors, graphics, and links. Imagine any newsletter or advertisement you find in your inbox. Here at WSU, HTML emails are a convenient way to get your message into the inbox of faculty, staff, and students. Student Affairs departments should contact Student Affairs Marketing to help you design your HTML concept and content as well as assist with determining the best time to send. 

HTML Content & Guidelines 

It is always a good idea to have a clear sense of the main goal behind your HTML email send. What are you hoping the outcome of this email will be? Being able to answer this question will help you with the design process. Next, consider the desired design and layout of your HTML email. Are you hoping to use an existing design or branding that already exists for this campaign? Or are you hoping to create a new design? What components, images or messages are you looking to include? The more specific you can be, the better. 

When submitting your HTML request, you will need to include the following information:

  • From - Whoever will be listed in the from line of the HTML email.
  • Reply email- if a recipient replies, which email address do you want those replies to go to.  
  • Subject- The content you would like in the subject line of the HTML email. 
  • Value- The content that would be displayed by an inbox preview. This is usually shown in the top header of the HTML. It typically is different than the subject and could be your call to action. 
  • Send date- Which day you wish your HTML to go out. 
  • Send list- Who do want to receive this email? Custom lists can be provided in addition to University Communication's standard campus list. 

Other helpful tips:

  • When reviewing HTML drafts, always review on your mobile photo as well as on your desktop to make sure images and buttons are mobile friendly. 
  • Make sure to double-check all links included in your HTML to ensure they work correctly. 
  • Some Outlook settings require the user to click a button to load the photos within an HTML. If possible, include plain text design elements so that these render as readable without the need to download photos.   

HTML guide for Advised Student Organizations

All Chartered Student Organization HTML requests are completed through a Student Affairs marketing coordinator. Please view our RSO HTML Guide for details about how to make a request.